The Rural Times

The Times Real Estate


Strong global interest for macadamia farms located in one of Australia’s largest producing regions

Two established macadamia orchards situated on 1,512ha in  the world-renowned Bundaberg growing region have hit the market and are attracting strong global  interest. 

The two properties being offered for sale either together or separately are being marketed by the  Colliers Agribusiness team of Rawdon Briggs, Nicholas Warmington and Jimmy Ashleigh and are  known as Winfield and Miara.  

The properties are ideally located in the world-renowned Bundaberg region of Wide Bay–Burnett,  one of Australia's largest producers of macadamias and are located at 97 Rocky Point Road, Winfield and Miara Road, Miara. 

Colliers Head of Agribusiness Rawdon Briggs said there was already strong domestic and  international interest in the properties due to their ideal location in a world-renowned horticulture  and macadamia producing region of Bundaberg. 

“A combination of increasing demand for food security and consumer appetite for healthy foods has  underpinned strong growth in commodity prices and agricultural land prices,” Rawdon Briggs said. 

“This portfolio includes two properties, Winfield and Miara, with 480ha dedicated to macadamia  orchards as well as 48ha of vacant plantable land, which provides a prime opportunity to further  develop the orchard.” 

Colliers Agribusiness Executive Nicholas Warmington said there had been a trend towards  macadamia in the Bundaberg region, with many former cane farmers changing to orchards. 

“Australia’s macadamia industry is experiencing significant growth, driven by increasing global  demand and expanding into emerging markets, particularly into Asia. This trend promises robust  opportunities for Australian producers,” Nicholas Warmington said. 

“This opportunity offers the astute purchaser the ability to acquire well developed and productive  macadamia operations complete with further orchard development potential.”

Colliers Agribusiness Executive Jimmy Ashleigh said the Winfield and Miara Macadamia Orchards  were located in Bundaberg, a region renowned for exceptional agricultural conditions. 

“Bundaberg is celebrated for its fertile volcanic soil, consistent rainfall, and favourable climate,  making it one of Australia’s premier areas for high-quality macadamia production. The sub-tropical  climate with its high annual rainfall benefits the orchards, making the area prime for horticulture  production,” Jimmy Ashleigh said. 

“Winfield and Miara boast best-in-class farming practices, with significant capital improvements and  rejuvenation of the orchard the yields have increased making it a highly attractive offering. It also  comes with an off-take agreement in place.” 

Winfield Orchard
– The larger of the two orchards at 750ha, with a total tree count of 68,730,  recently underwent significant rejuvenation, including strategic limb and row removal and irrigation  upgrades. The orchard has shown significant yield improvements over the past five years, with an  experienced management team, producing 1043 tonnes of macadamias in 2024. With 48ha of  vacant plantable land, there is a prime opportunity to further develop the orchard. Given that this  land has previously supported macadamia trees, its suitability for such cultivation is well established. The trees on Winfield were planted between 1991 and 2007 with the average age of  trees being 26. 

Miara Orchard – Spanning 762ha this orchard is in its growth phase, with 33,703 trees planted  across 124.97ha between 2020 and 2022. In 2024, the orchard yielded 13.9 tonnes of produce. As  the young trees continue to mature, it is expected a significant increase in production in the coming  years. It boasts an advanced irrigation system, including the MAIT automated control, supports  efficient water management and increased production as the trees mature. 

With Miara located 27 radial kilometres and Winfield 50 radial kilometres from Bundaberg, the  orchards benefit from easy access and efficient logistics with proximity to major transport hubs,  including ports and highways, ensuring seamless distribution to both domestic and international  markets. 

The Winfield and Miara Portfolio is being offered for sale in one line or as separate properties, by  Offers to Purchase closing on Wednesday 4th December 2024 at 4pm Australian Eastern Standard  Time (AEST). 

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